Usually when it's been a long time since I posted anything on here is because life is crazy busy. But for the first time, that is not the case! March has been a month of crazy, but not busy. I haven't spent much time blogging, because I haven't felt as though I had much to say (weird, I know!!). Or maybe that I was just at a loss of words? I'm not too sure. All I know is that I needed a few weeks to really process what has been going on, and spend time searching my heart, before I was ready to share it. My back pain is driving me nuts! I am tired of being in pain all the time, and Jon is tired of seeing me hurt! The chiropractor is helping me, and I am soooo grateful for her!! But I still walk around, feeling like an old woman. Kind of like this:

We are moving ahead with the knowledge that I more than likely have a condition called Fibromyalgia. When I first heard this, it hit me like a ton of bricks. A chronic pain condition that I will ALWAYS have? A constant and horrible daily reminder of things I only want to forget? Nice. But after giving myself an attitude check, and realizing that chiro is really helping me immensely, it no longer seems so bad. I also have recently read the book "Choosing to See" by Mary Beth Chapman, and oh boy did that book ever help with perspective! The Chapman's lost their 5 year daughter in a horrific accident, and this is Mary Beth's story of Choosing to See God even through incredible darkness and suffering. The Chapman's never-ending courage and faith was so encouraging to read about, despite being a heartbreaking story. The book gave me a new outlook, and some new insights. The Lord is faithful, and He has all of our days numbered, before we even lived one of them. He has "entrusted" me with the life I have, and I am blessed beyond all measure. I was created to worship the King, and I plan on doing that to the best of my ability. Jon and I are making our way through this crazy path called life, and we are doing it together. To say the least, although the above picture may show I look to the world, this picture best shows how I feel on the inside:

Life has been bumpy, but it is also incredible. It is also the "dress rehearsal" to what comes after (I recently read that in an article and thought it was a brilliant analogy!). That's our March in a nutshell.