Jon teaching the group his awesome outdoor cooking skills
"Where does family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found"
-Winston Churchhill
-Winston Churchhill
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Women's Outdoor Adventure Camp!
I am so far behind on my blogs that I am just now blogging about the Women's Outdoor Adventure retreat! But I wanted to make sure that I was writing something about it, because it was a pretty incredible weekend. It was the first big thing that our summer staff worked together on, and it was so awesome!! We had a lot of fun and laughed A LOT that weekend! But more than that, it reminded me once again of how much I love camp. Hanging out with these women, talking and making cappuccino drinks for them was really gratifying work. It's weekends like these that I feel most connected to the Lord, and feel as though I am really doing His work. Jon and I ran a couple outdoor cooking classes over the weekend and that was also a BLAST! I love working with Jon - we are so blessed to have such different gifts that really work well together! Doing this outdoor working class was really our first taste of "Wild Side" and it just made me giddy with excitement, thinking about the summer!!! (since then we have had many more larger tastes of what Wild Side will look like, and I am stoked!!!). Here are a few shots that I got over the weekend:
Jinny getting right in there and helping. Jinny, your constant encouragement and love towards us is astounding, and you are sooo important to us!! The way you just always believe in us means so much, and you participating in this class was yet another example of your support! We love you!
Jenni-Lynne and Court eating the deeeelicious food that was made!
Me and Maelle hanging out!
I feel as though there is so much I could say about this weekend, but words can't really describe it. It was well put together, well thought out, and well carried out. God cares about this place more than we all ever could, and it blows me away when He showers us with His goodness. I am thankful for camp, and for this ministry and the chance to do with my husband.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
And fun we did indeed have! I was missing Sharon (and she was missing me too!) and we wanted to spent some sweet time together, so we made plans to spend the evening together one night when I was all done work. Sharonmel time is always a blast! Little did I know the surprises she had in store. She came over when I got home and handed me a wig and a pair of boots that I was to wear. I laughed and said OK!! I love fun adventures, and this definately had fun written all over it. When we came out, all dressed and ready to go out, Jon just looked at me and said "have fun!". That made us laugh even harder - our husbands weren't even really phased by what we had on! That must mean we are just typically REALLY fun girls. The first stop: Romeo's Restaurant for a slushy drink!
OOOOOH LA LA!! Model in the making!
The second stop: Jinny's house! She had no idea how to respond to us, which was pretty funny in itself! My favorite part of this picture is Sharon playing with her "hair". She was so obsessed the whole night with the way the hair felt, and kept telling me to play with mine too. haha!
Overall, it was a super fun night spent a woman that I adore and respect and love so much. She has walked with me through some pretty tough valleys in the short year we have been friends! I have loved living next door, and becoming a part of her family. She has constantly pushed, encouraged and loved me, and gained a permanent spot in my heart and life! The Burdges mean a lot to us, and I am so grateful that I have been given a friend like Sharon! I mean, how can you look at those pictures and NOT want to her friend?!
Everyone just wants to look at my "boooooots" right Sharon!

'Tis the Season...
...For double dates! I have so missed having other couples to go out for dinner with, play games with, have over for dinner, pray with, and just to go out and have fun with! So this spring season has been awesome having Ben and Shayna around!! Not only do we have sweet times together at work, it is just so awesome that we also get to get dressed up and go on double dates with! The first of what I hope is many was the boys telling us that they were taking us on a suprise dinner date. So we got into the car, played some fun music, and drove through the beautiful area that we live in. The boys took us to Youbou to a restaurant there that was great!
We took a bunch of fun pictures outside, but they are mostly on Ben's phone, so I need to get those from him. But this one totally cracked me up, because Jon said "ooooh we need to get a picture of Ben and Shayna" So they stood there while I stepped aside and waited in the rain. This is the picture that came out. I had no idea I was in it, and Jon didnt feel kind enough to let me know haha. But it is a great one of Ben and Shayna! Cutest couple I know :)
Ben and Jon pretending they were on a date.
One of a bazillion pictures that we have of the four of us over the years. I love it!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Go Canucks Go!
For the first time since 1994 the Canucks have made it to the Stanley Cup Finals!! This means that our house has been chaotic for the past month or so! The first round against Chicago produced the most intense game 7 I have ever seen! We watched it at Tim and Lois' house and it was MAYHEM!! Tim even impulsively bought us all pizza and wings in the heat of the excitment, which then led to the delivery guy coming into the house and watching the game for a good ten minutes before relunctantly getting back into his car! Round 2 against Nashville resulted in many shots of Carrie Underwood on the TV and the announcers focusing more on her than the game. Luckily the Canucks won that series in 6 games! Round 3 was a less intense series (in my opinion!) against San Jose and won in 5 games. Sadly for that series, we watched most of the games up here, because we weren't able to get down to Vic too many times. Now its' the finals, and we just won the first game in the series! I like when the Canucks win, because it means I have a happy husband. He does lots for me, so the least I can do is cheer for the Canucks :) And Henrik likes watching the games, because his namesake is on the TV!! Here are some shots over the past few weeks watching the games:
Wearing shirts that we bought for them! So cute! I love this amazing little family SO MUCH!!!
Lois watching intensely during round 1 in her beloved Linden jersey!
Game 7 against Chicago!! I have never been so stressed out during a hockey game before watching with these people! But it was SUPER fun!!
Ben, Jon, Ryan and Maelle cheering for the Canucks during round 2. Maelle looked adorable in her jersey!!
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