Funny story about tonight.
I was skyping with Care tonight, laughing and talking like we always do.
All of a sudden Jon, who is sitting on the other couch, lets out a loud crazy little boy laugh.
I look up all startled, and ask him what the heck he is laughing at.
Care and Jon both then say these two things at the EXACT same time!:
Care - "That's the same laugh Luke has when he's watching America's Funniest Home Videos"
Jon - "I'm watching America's Funniest Home Videos, and this dog totally just wiped out!"
It was so funny to hear them at the same time, and then to have them realize what the other one just said! Guess when your brothers, you are bound to laugh at the same things, with the same silly laugh that is reserved for truly funny things!
"Where does family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found"
-Winston Churchhill
-Winston Churchhill
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Kudos to Aimee...
... for buying Jon this amazing game as a birthday present:

(the only problem is that we don't know how to pronounce it! Any helpful hints out there so that we can stop calling it "The New Game"?!)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Desire
While Jon and I work in our office, I always have my iTunes open and playing music. Today, this song by Jeremy Camp came on, and I was struck by the truth in these words in how they describe exactly how I feel in life right now. So I stopped what I was doing in order to write this post, because I was so impacted by it that I was eager to write it down to remember this moment. You can listen to the song on YouTube by clicking on this link:
Here are the words of the song:
You want to be real, you want to be empty inside
You want to be someone laying down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it all down before the King
You want to be whole, you want to have purpose inside
You want to have virtue and purify your mind
You want to be set free today
Then lay it all down before the King
This is my desire, this is my return
This is my desire to be used by you
You want to be real, you want to be empty inside
All I know my heart is too feel you near
All I know my life, it's to do your will
It's to do your will
All my life I have seen
Where you've taken me
Beyond all I have hoped
And there's more left unseen
There's not much I can do to repay all you've done
So I give my hands to use.
So those are the lyrics. And even as I write them out here, I am just so blown away. I have been searching for purpose, for meaning, trying to figure out just what exactly is my role and part to play in life right now. But my desire is to do good work, to purify my mind, let go of my pride, and just give everything I am to the King. I want my work to matter, so that one day He will look at me and be pleased with what I have done with the life He gave me. And that is my purpose. So why is it so easy to lose sight of that? Getting lost along the way is just part of the journey I guess, but all I know is that I want my life to be a living sacrifice to the One who sacrificed his life for me. My life was redeemed, and He has given me more that I could have ever dreamed, and I am so incredibly thankful for that. I want to be someone someday, but I want to be someone who is handing her life over, knowing that I am not working for me, but for Him. This moment is my return.
Here are the words of the song:
You want to be real, you want to be empty inside
You want to be someone laying down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it all down before the King
You want to be whole, you want to have purpose inside
You want to have virtue and purify your mind
You want to be set free today
Then lay it all down before the King
This is my desire, this is my return
This is my desire to be used by you
You want to be real, you want to be empty inside
All I know my heart is too feel you near
All I know my life, it's to do your will
It's to do your will
All my life I have seen
Where you've taken me
Beyond all I have hoped
And there's more left unseen
There's not much I can do to repay all you've done
So I give my hands to use.
So those are the lyrics. And even as I write them out here, I am just so blown away. I have been searching for purpose, for meaning, trying to figure out just what exactly is my role and part to play in life right now. But my desire is to do good work, to purify my mind, let go of my pride, and just give everything I am to the King. I want my work to matter, so that one day He will look at me and be pleased with what I have done with the life He gave me. And that is my purpose. So why is it so easy to lose sight of that? Getting lost along the way is just part of the journey I guess, but all I know is that I want my life to be a living sacrifice to the One who sacrificed his life for me. My life was redeemed, and He has given me more that I could have ever dreamed, and I am so incredibly thankful for that. I want to be someone someday, but I want to be someone who is handing her life over, knowing that I am not working for me, but for Him. This moment is my return.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Beautiful day
When we woke up today the sun was shining and it and looked sooo beautiful outside! So we went outside and walked around camp and played for a bit. It was such a fun afternoon, and we even discovered a new setting on our camera that we tried out! The pictures turned out pretty good, and I was happy to have some good pictures to remember a really good afternoon.
We were having fun, throwing the stick for him, despite the fact that it looks like I am stabbing him in the mouth. He was being a crazy dog!
The place that we call home - how lucky are we! Sooo beautiful.
Look at how crazy handsome my husband is. Those blue eyes are my very favorite!
Happy 24th Birthday Jon
Yesterday was one of my very favorite days of the year - Jon's day of birth! I am so glad he was born, because if he wasn't, my life sure would be different, and not nearly as awesome! I love birthdays because they are special, the day that the Lord picked for you to grace the world with your presence. Life is messy and hard sometimes, and I think that each year we spend here, happy and whole should be celebrated! So for Jon's birthday this year, I invited some of our family and good friends up to camp to spend the evening with us! We ate chili for dinner (Jon made one pot that was SPIIICCCCY and I made one pot that was nice and tame!) and angel food cake for dinner (courtesy of the beautiful Sharon Burdge!). I was really happy that so many people made the drive up just for the evening, and that we were all able together to make Jon feel special. He spends everyday making people's lives happier by being his loving silly self, and it felt good to be able to honor him a little bit! We have had quite the year since his last birthday - the owl center debatacle that was horrible, surviving Youth Quake 2010 when I was the intern, my graduation, saying goodbye to all our friends, moving to BC with exactly 13 dollars that had to last us an entire month (we actually made that happen!), the craziness of last summer, the slowness of the fall, a trip to Mexico, the excitment of being told we have the go ahead to start a brand new outdoor program, rocking the face off Fall Teen Retreat 2010, getting a kitten, christmas with both our families (always a whirlwind with our crazy busy families), and just going through one huge transition to the next! Since last February, we have had some of our highest highs, and lowest lows, and here we are, stronger and better than ever! So here's to Jon being 24, and I hope it is the BEST year of his life so far!
Makenna helping Jon blow out his candles
Two incredibly beautiful girls, inside and out! Look at their smiles! We love both you ladies so much!
Look who also made the drive out! Nicole, Katrina, and Jason. We had a great time visiting with them, and kicking their butts at Dutch Blitz (we played teams)
My fabulous sister in law!
Even Ed and Val drove all the way up here - so special!!
Jon taking a picture of his "full time party planner"
I love you Jon, even if you are getting old and grey!
Jake with his favorite person in the whole world. He is not allowed to jump up on people like that, but with Tim anything goes, and Jake sure loves him!
Jon and his "soulmate" Ryan - Court and Ry gave Jon a present wrapped in a re-usable baby diaper! So funny! And it was full of great things for Jon's hiking backpack and even had movie bucks! YAY, I LOVE the movies!!
It was time for cake, and I realized I had no birthday candles, so this was how I improvised:
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day Part 2
As promised, while I was getting ready to go out, Jon put together a plate of my favorite snack together so that we wouldn't be starving before we ate dinner! I wasn't quite ready yet, so instead of me coming to the kitchen, Jon brought the food to me. He set up a small table in our bedroom, and decorated it with candles and sparkly juice. It was very sweet!
It was even complete with chocolate covered strawberries from our neighbours - YUMM! Best neighbours ever...
All ready to go out for our date!
I was told to pose - ya right. All I know is goofy, not sultry haha. Shayn did you notice the boots.. you know how I love them. FINALLY a chance to actually wear them out! It only took three years for this day to happen... haha! Speaking of Shayna, funny side note - I have never worn this dress before, it has just sat in my closet for a really long time. But Shayna wore it two years ago on Valentine's Day when we all went out for dinner. Guess this is just the Valentine's Day dress! :D
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day so far
I woke up this morning after Jon went to work, and when I went into the kitchen I found this very adorable card:
When I opened it up, it had a very sweet note from my very sweet husband!
When he came home at lunchtime, he made me a fire. This boy knows the way to my heart! Henrik thought he would try to help...
Now I am cuddled on my couch with a blanket, watching AstroBoy with Elliot. He sure looks comfy in the hammock with a pillow, blanket and popcorn!

I am anxiously waiting for it to be tonight, when I get to go out on a much anticipated date with Jon! I didn't think we were going to do anything, because Valentine's Day has never really been a big deal for us. But the other day I was standing in our kitchen and I noticed pickles way up high on the top shelf. My pickle radar zoomed right now, and immediately I was curious as to why they were up there, and I wanted to eat them immediately. Jon got all stuttery and and red-faced and eventually told me he was hiding them from me. My love for pickles is GREAT, and hiding them is never a good idea. I finally got him to tell me that he booked a reservation at a fancy restaurant for us, but we couldnt get in until 7:30, and he knew I would be starving by then, so he bought me pickles, cheese and crackers to eat as we get ready to go out! Seriously, this boy knows the ways to my heart! Needless to say, I am really excited!
I am anxiously waiting for it to be tonight, when I get to go out on a much anticipated date with Jon! I didn't think we were going to do anything, because Valentine's Day has never really been a big deal for us. But the other day I was standing in our kitchen and I noticed pickles way up high on the top shelf. My pickle radar zoomed right now, and immediately I was curious as to why they were up there, and I wanted to eat them immediately. Jon got all stuttery and and red-faced and eventually told me he was hiding them from me. My love for pickles is GREAT, and hiding them is never a good idea. I finally got him to tell me that he booked a reservation at a fancy restaurant for us, but we couldnt get in until 7:30, and he knew I would be starving by then, so he bought me pickles, cheese and crackers to eat as we get ready to go out! Seriously, this boy knows the ways to my heart! Needless to say, I am really excited!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
All we need is canes and two rocking chairs
We know that we are like an old couple, but we like it! Tonight we stayed in because I wasn't feeling too well, and we pulled out an old classic - Yahtzee! When I was little, I played this game with my mom a lot, and loved it. When I came out of the closet tonight with this game box, Jon laughed and started practicing his rolls. The first thing he said to me was "I have never gotten a Yahtzee in this game before". Well, his luck sure changed!
A few minutes later, in the SAME game, he rolled ANOTHER Yahtzee. Here is he laughing at his luck! I took a picture of him, while secretly being bitter, because this extra 150 points for him would probably guarantee him a win.
The lucky 3's

However, I STILL won! WOOOOOT! Even with his TWO Yahtzee's, my points were still higher than his. I was very excited over this, but tried not to gloat and ruin his happiness over two Yahtzees. Yep, just a typical night in for us. 23 going on 87 and loving every minute of it. We truly were made for each other!
In our final game of the night (we played five times) Jon rolled his very first Yahtzee! He almost knocked his chair over, he was so excited. We high fived and I laughed at his excitement. The five's were his lucky number
However, I STILL won! WOOOOOT! Even with his TWO Yahtzee's, my points were still higher than his. I was very excited over this, but tried not to gloat and ruin his happiness over two Yahtzees. Yep, just a typical night in for us. 23 going on 87 and loving every minute of it. We truly were made for each other!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Talk about being excited...
I got Taylor Swift concert tickets today!!! Her Speak Now tour has been selling out all over North American in between 2-6 minutes! So when they went on sale today for the Vancouver show, I knew I needed to be on it! Jon and I both sat at different computers, ready to push that button right at 10 o'clock. When it switched to onsale, we were all over it! But we were unable to get any tickets together (Care, Calea and I all want to go!) so we had to buy single tickets that are pretty close together, and hopefully try to trade for ones that are even closer! Either way, all I know is that I am STOOOOOOOOOOOKED to be going to T-Swift in september!!!!!!!!! Here are reasons why I love Taylor Swift:
1. Her music makes me happy and always puts me in a good mood.
2. The Fearless CD always makes me think of 3rd year Caronport - living with my best friends, engaged, going to school, and really really happy. Who doesnt like good memories?!
3. She sings love songs like Love Story and Mine that make me think of my amazing husband and how much I love him! Nevermind the song she sings about her mom, and another of her best friend that also make me think of mine and my love for them!
4. She is unafraid to sing and write what she feels - any girl who is THAT honest is GREAT by me.
5. The song Mean lets me let out my inner frusteration with lots of things that I am unable to normally let out!
6. Because Jon knows every word to every song she sings, and listening to him sing them always everytime makes me laugh.
7. Because she is FUN! And we ALL need a little bit of fun in our lives!
8. Because she is wholesome, and actually a good person who has a clean image
Girls, I am REALLY excited to watch this great girl in concert and rock out!!! SO FUN!
1. Her music makes me happy and always puts me in a good mood.
2. The Fearless CD always makes me think of 3rd year Caronport - living with my best friends, engaged, going to school, and really really happy. Who doesnt like good memories?!
3. She sings love songs like Love Story and Mine that make me think of my amazing husband and how much I love him! Nevermind the song she sings about her mom, and another of her best friend that also make me think of mine and my love for them!
4. She is unafraid to sing and write what she feels - any girl who is THAT honest is GREAT by me.
5. The song Mean lets me let out my inner frusteration with lots of things that I am unable to normally let out!
6. Because Jon knows every word to every song she sings, and listening to him sing them always everytime makes me laugh.
7. Because she is FUN! And we ALL need a little bit of fun in our lives!
8. Because she is wholesome, and actually a good person who has a clean image
Girls, I am REALLY excited to watch this great girl in concert and rock out!!! SO FUN!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Time with Courtney and Maelle
This past weekend there was a Director's meeting here at camp, and Courtney and Maelle came up for it and stayed overnight. Ryan was working, so he wasn't able to come, so we got some quality bonding time with just the girls! Arleigh also was here for the meeting, and joined in the sleepver fun!
Maelle fell asleep while Courtney was holding her, and then she just put her down on the floor, where she slept happily. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter the older she gets! She fills a room with her happy spirit, and just a joy have around! I can't wait until the Denninger's come to visit, and Maelle is running around, and I can take her and do fun things!
We just spent the night sitting around and chatting. Jon was missing Ryan, but I loved the girl time! Court is so refreshing to be around, and her positive attitude is so catching! I love having her aroung, she is such easy company, and we always have such a good time.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Night with the Burdge Boys!
Tonight Chris and Sharon wanted to go out on a very rare date, and asked if we would watch their boys for them! Of course we didnt mind, so now we are spending the night hanging out with the boys. So far tonight we have: played kinect (thanks to my arm and back I had to just sit and watch them), ate a "pumpkin head", played sorry, played battleship, played with my iTouch, played DS, ran around, played with Henrik, and laughed a lot. Unfortunately, I didnt think to pull out my camera until right before bedtime, but here are some shots that I got:
I was laying on the floor because that is what feels the best for my back, and sweet Elliot came and plunked himself beside me saying "I want to come sit by you on the floor, so you can watch me play DS" - he then told me a whole story on how he was Mario, who was winning, and Jon was the princess he was saving. LOL so funny!
Isaac then started taking pictures of all of us, and then took videos of himself making funny faces - again SO funny!
Our dogs being their usual sleepy selves - what good and cute animals we have!
Right now Jon is in Elliot's room, reading him a story, and cuddling on the bed - very sweet! And Isaac and I are sitting on the couch, under the heated blanket, watching The Grinch (my very favorite movie, and I didnt even pick it - Isaac did!)
Jon and Isaac playing a game together on my iTouch
It was a very busy and fun night spent with two really great little boys! Sharon, you should go out more often...
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