"Where does family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found"
-Winston Churchhill

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Part 2

As promised, while I was getting ready to go out, Jon put together a plate of my favorite snack together so that we wouldn't be starving before we ate dinner! I wasn't quite ready yet, so instead of me coming to the kitchen, Jon brought the food to me. He set up a small table in our bedroom, and decorated it with candles and sparkly juice. It was very sweet!

It was even complete with chocolate covered strawberries from our neighbours - YUMM! Best neighbours ever...
All ready to go out for our date!
I was told to pose - ya right. All I know is goofy, not sultry haha. Shayn did you notice the boots.. you know how I love them. FINALLY a chance to actually wear them out! It only took three years for this day to happen... haha! Speaking of Shayna, funny side note - I have never worn this dress before, it has just sat in my closet for a really long time. But Shayna wore it two years ago on Valentine's Day when we all went out for dinner. Guess this is just the Valentine's Day dress! :D
And now Jon's turn to pose! He went for the "creeper" facial expression I guess. Oh well, his outfit made up for it! He sure looked handsome!
Jon made reservations at City Square Grill in Duncan - it was so nice! The food was delicious and we had a great time. The dessert was my favorite, what a shocker. I was so stoked over this chocolate deliciousness.
A wonderful night spent with my wonderful husband! I love Valentine's Day!


  1. Love the dress and the boots, you spicy little thing!! Looks like a GREAT valentines!

  2. Hahahaha, oh my gosh, the boots!!! i can't believe it took so long! actually, who am i kidding? of course i can! what i should say is i can't believe you finally wore them!! and i love that you rocked that dress! it's SO cute!! Happy Valentines Day best friend!! (even if this is a little late!)
