April has been dreeeeeary!! Just in the past few days the sun is really starting to shine and that makes me happy and MUCH more inclined to document life! Things with Wild Side are actually coming together so well - I feel as though everyday I am looking more and more forward to summer really being here, and us being able to run this program. But our numbers are still lower than what we would like. So in order to change that, we came up with a plan to make a short video, outlining what Wild Side is. For the video, Jon and I did all the activities and Chris filmed it. The best part was what the pictures show below - Jon going tubing down the river! It was FREEZING cold, but he braved it!
About to go in!

Doesn't look that cold, does it?!

Well it is. Here I am all bundled up, trying to get out of the rain, while Jon is running around in a bathing suit, about to go swimming in the river!

Pretty cold after his first attempt!

There he goes!

I was holding a rope that was tied to the tube, just for extra "safety". Well I let Jon go down too far, and he got caught up in the rapids, and I nearly got pulled right in to! He jumped off the tube, and Chris jumped in, helping me pull! I was laughing so hard as Jon is now over his head in water, jumping onto the side, and the tube is pulling Chris and I towards the water. But we overpowered the water, and managed to stay dry, and it was a great take, so Jon didn't even have to go back in the water! It was a fun day and we have a funny video to show for it. Check out our Wild Side video if you haven't yet - we are movie stars! - at
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