"Where does family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found"
-Winston Churchhill

Monday, August 30, 2010

Being sick is no fun!

Its been a while since I last posted, but that is because Jon and I have both been sick with crazy head colds - NOT FUN! But last week was our last week with most of the LIT's. This week of camp is our last one, and it is senior camp, which means that we get LIT's up here that are too young for the actual LIT program, but still want some experience. We also got three of our older LIT's (Marika, Natasha, and Jacob) to stay this week and take on leadership roles with these younger guys, teaching them what being an LIT is all about. So on saturday we had to say good-bye to our group that has been up here all or most of the summer, and it was really sad! I really came to love these guys, and formed some REALLY tight relationships with quite a few of them. At the same time, with being sick and just feeling so drained (this is week TEN for us, including our training week that we led!!), it was more bitter-sweet. I will miss them, and their awesome personalities, but I also know that just because summer is over, does not mean that the friendships we formed are over - I will still go to Vic and take them out for lunch (right girls?!) or take the boys on a roadtrip to saskatchewan so they can experience Youth Quake (yay Cam and Jacob!!) and just keep up with each other. Having this new crew of younger kids is refreshing - they are fun, and eager to learn, and just really love camp!

In other news, my BABY BROTHER moved to Olds yesterday in order to play on a Junior A hockey team there that signed him, and are taking him into pre-season. Which means he will be living with a billited family, living three and bit hours away from home!!! It is SO weird - I mean I am SOOOO proud of him, he wanted this SO badly, and he deserves the break, but he's my little brother, moving out of home!!! This is the kid who I walked to and back home from school every single day for years because he was too small to do it himself. The same kid that snuck into my room for a LONG time when we first moved into our house because he didn't like his basement bedroom, and would sleep with me - and who during the day would INSIST on only calling me "sister" instead of Melissa. The same little brother who introduced ME to Hannah Montana, and who adopted my love for High School Musical, and even learned one of the dances in the second movie, just to make me laugh. I remember driving him to hockey practice, or to friends houses when I turned 16, and he thought he had the coolest sister ever, because I could drive. Even when I was in my first year of college, and my practicum was in his class, he was never ashamed of me - instead, he was always so proud that I was his sister. My mom used to tell me that I bring out the "crazy" in Brandon, because whenever I would come home from school, he would come out of his quiet shell and we always have a good time. This guy is the one person I have always looked out for, and who I know always has my back, and who I would be there for in a second if he needed me. I am so proud of him, and who he has become (and is still becoming!!), but it is CRAZY to me that he will no longer live at home for the next little while! It also blows my mind that he is going into grade 12 - when the heck did that happen??!! I love you Brandon, SO MUCH!!!! You may tower over me, and now be my protector, but you will always be my baby brother. Congratulations kid, we are so happy for you!!

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