"Where does family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found"
-Winston Churchhill

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The start of my very first blog

Oh geez. I cant believe I am starting a blog - I have always boycotted them as much as possible! But lately I have been thinking a lot about life, and just how fast it changes and flies by! Jon and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary two days ago, and we talked a lot on that day about just how different life is now from a year ago. It has been quite the year, full of ups (GREAT ups!) and lows, and just a lot of memories all around. I realized that day that I want to be able to remember our life together, and be able to recall those fun (or not so fun) moments that we have, so that I can share that with our potential future kids - how great will it be for them to be able to look at this blog (which I plan on printing out and keeping) and have an insight to our life before they came along! Another reason I wanted to start this blog is because one of the biggest changes that has happened this year was me graduating from college, and us moving from the prairies out to BC - which means that I left behind a lot of family, and am far apart from really dear friends, and I want you guys to be able to know what is going on with us and stay fairly updated (this is NO way replaces phone calls, emails, skype dates, and all the neccessities for staying in touch!!!).

I named this blog A Real Life Fairytale - most days! because that is how I feel. We are happily married, live in a BEAUTIFUL location, have a dog that we love (even if he is crazy!!!) and are blessed all around. That does not mean that life is never hard, or that we dont have any issues, but just that we are lucky beyond belief. I wouldn't change a thing about our crazy, messy, fun life!

1 comment:

  1. Hey great idea for your blog.... I will keep checking it... love you both
