"Where does family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found"
-Winston Churchhill

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wheat Free cooking!

Tanya (my amazing chiropractor) suggested to me that I go off of all wheat and white sugar in order to help my body heal. Wheat is a pain trigger, and just not that great for your body (well to the extent that we North Americans consume it that is!) and could help leaps and bounds with my healing process. So immediately I went through our cupboards and got rid of everything that has wheat in it. This was no small job. Do you realize that EVERYTHING has wheat, or a wheat product in it? Well now you know. It does! I became a tad overwhelmed, so I do what I always do when I'm overwhelmed by something - I do as much research as possible, and inform myself on what I need to know! I talked to a friend who is allergic to Gluten, and she was able to give me tons of tips. I also did extensive research on the internet (including printing off a huge list of what I "can" and "can't" have - such as Smarties. They have wheat flour in them, so they are on the bad list. That was a low blow! So sad) and read a couple books. I also went out and bought a wheat free cookbook, as well as borrowed some from the library! So armed with information, Jon and I set out on our very first wheat-free shopping trip. It was a pretty funny trip for the most part (Gorilla munch is all I need to say to that eh Jon?!). But at a few different points I could feel myself getting worked up, and Jon just gently took my arm and cracked some jokes, and led me through. We came home with our arms loaded with all sorts of things we have never heard of before, but that our new recipe books called for! This started the wheat-free eating. Since then, in the past month, I have become quite the little cook! I still don't overly enjoy cooking, but it has been fun trying out new recipes! We even bought a breadmaker, so that I could homemake wheat-free bread (yes, yes it is possible). Our meals have actually been better than ever, experimenting with new tastes, and all sorts of delicious foods! I have been so proud that I was eager to show off what I have done!
I made homemade tortilla shells, and with those, I made these taco bowls! They were sooo good (right Sharon!) and they looked so cute! If only we looked so cute eating them... they were a tad difficult!

Banana Chocolate Chip muffins - no wheat or white sugar in them! They stayed moist for days, and I took great delight in feeding them to people without telling them about the no wheat/butter/sugar part! Everyone who ate one thought they were delicious! This will probably become a staple in our house, seeing as how Jon thinks banana bread/muffins are the best thing ever. Yay!
Overall, I thought going wheat-free would be much harder than it actually is. I mean, I need to be careful, and read the ingredients on EVERYTHING, which is a tad annoying! But everything (for the most part) has tasted really good, and not that much different. And we are getting used to what are good substitutes and what we can/can't have. I say "we" because even though I am the only one not supposed to be eating wheat, my always loving and supportive husband has given it up to! He said if I have to do it, so will he. He still eats wheat products when we are around other people, or out for dinner, but at home he just eats what I eat and does it happily, without any sort of complaint. Once again, I look at him and wonder "how the heck did I get so lucky?!!"

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