-Winston Churchhill
Monday, August 30, 2010
Opening Up Again
Being sick is no fun!
In other news, my BABY BROTHER moved to Olds yesterday in order to play on a Junior A hockey team there that signed him, and are taking him into pre-season. Which means he will be living with a billited family, living three and bit hours away from home!!! It is SO weird - I mean I am SOOOO proud of him, he wanted this SO badly, and he deserves the break, but he's my little brother, moving out of home!!! This is the kid who I walked to and back home from school every single day for years because he was too small to do it himself. The same kid that snuck into my room for a LONG time when we first moved into our house because he didn't like his basement bedroom, and would sleep with me - and who during the day would INSIST on only calling me "sister" instead of Melissa. The same little brother who introduced ME to Hannah Montana, and who adopted my love for High School Musical, and even learned one of the dances in the second movie, just to make me laugh. I remember driving him to hockey practice, or to friends houses when I turned 16, and he thought he had the coolest sister ever, because I could drive. Even when I was in my first year of college, and my practicum was in his class, he was never ashamed of me - instead, he was always so proud that I was his sister. My mom used to tell me that I bring out the "crazy" in Brandon, because whenever I would come home from school, he would come out of his quiet shell and we always have a good time. This guy is the one person I have always looked out for, and who I know always has my back, and who I would be there for in a second if he needed me. I am so proud of him, and who he has become (and is still becoming!!), but it is CRAZY to me that he will no longer live at home for the next little while! It also blows my mind that he is going into grade 12 - when the heck did that happen??!! I love you Brandon, SO MUCH!!!! You may tower over me, and now be my protector, but you will always be my baby brother. Congratulations kid, we are so happy for you!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Our "Champions"
Mel's :
Shayna Martin - She constantly sees more in me than I ever could and she never ever gives up on me!!!
April Bauman - She never accepted the bare minimum - she always knew I was capable of more and cheered with me when I succeeded with every small step.
My Mom - Talk about a cheerleader!!! She's the one who always told me I could be and do whatever I wanted
AJ Crocker -He seen potential in me when others scoffed at him! He allowed me to jump through the hoops and be involved in Youth Quake, and pushed me to be the leader he knew I eventually could be. Three amazing years of being poured into by an incredible person.
Auntie LeeAnne - As a teenager, she was always there, cheering for me, having my back, telling me that I was great - I owe a LOT to her!
Jen Rebbeck - As my older "sister" this girl was such a good role model, and as I grew up, now one of my closest friends. She always let me know when she was disappointed because she knew I was made of something better.
Jon - He never lets me settle for just adequate. He is my biggest supporter, the one who dreams with me, and for me, and who sees the very best in me every single day, even when I cannot see anything that he is pointing out.
Jon's list: (mel typing, but Jon's words!)
Andy Renton & Kari Larson - His work crew supervisors at camp as a teenager - the two people who first pushed him to be a leader and really challenged him in his faith, to make it his own, and to be the best version of himself. He never wanted to let them down.
Chris Burdge - He took Jon under his wing, and constantly dreamed with him, even years ago before we knew that this would be our home. Chris always expected lots from Jon and pushed him beyond his comfort levels which always turned out good - Chris has always had faith in Jon and his potential.
Carrie Nolan - When she came to Kaleo as a teacher, she pointed out the leadership potential in Jon that he didn't know he had, and she pushed him towards Briercrest, and towards an outdoor degree. Before she came along, Jon had no idea of how deep his love for the outdoors were - she cheered him on and pushed him to develop that and continues to walk beside him.
Mel - Jon says that I believe him in, even when he is down on himself, and I encourage him to keep going, and I am always challenging him with his words. He claims that I never let him sit back, but that I am always pushing him in a loving way to be the best person that he can be, and I never give up on him.
Luke Lampard - Jon's big brother has ironically always seen Jon as bigger than Jon sees himself. Luke always tells Jon how he admires the things that he has done, and how proud he is of him. Luke is a huge cheerleader for Jon.
Tim/Lois - They never held Jon back - whether in faith or sports or schooling, they pushed him to follow his heart and do what he needed to do. They have always had faith that Jon would succeed, and continue to always be supportive.
Jinny is someone who right now we both see as our "Champion" - she sees so much good in us, and we always want to make her proud! She cheers for us daily :)
Jason/Cheri McNabb - they are also people who we see as both of our cheerleaders - they seen that we could make it as a couple, and they encouraged us to not be scared of age, and to believe in our love - they see us doing some amazing things together, as a couple. They cheer for us so loud, we are almost deaf!!
We are both sure that there are more people who could be on our list, but even so, this is a FULL list. We are so blessed to have these people who cared (and still care!) about us, and see the very best in us, as individuals and as a couple!! It's really cool to take a step back and just reflect on these important people! It is our deepest prayer this summer that we are giving our teenagers even just a portion of what these people have given us - this list is the people who believe in us, and we want to make them proud! Here is a cheer for our champions!
Relay "adventure" Night with the LIT's

And this is Mr Mitchell Frackson - the winner!!! What a guy! He excelled all around!
Well done guys! You all were winners :) Overall a very fun night!
Inflatable Fun!
This is Jon and I racing up the steps to get to the slide - notice my form?! Arms are up! haha! And he is pushing me over!
This is the group of us that were around that night :)
Jon and Jacob have become great friends this summer - Jacob always gives us a laugh!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
1st Anniversary Weekend of Fun!
After that, we went over to Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church to meet Dan King - the youth pastor there that I have been wanting to meet for a while! I loved the church, and how welcoming and friendly it was! We are definately going to try to go down for a few services once camp season is over. Then we got dressed up and walked through the resort, and went to the restaurant there (which had HUGE fish tanks with some weird looking fishies) for dinner, which was followed by a walk on the beach to watch the sunset. Jon caught a crab, and I held it in my hand without tossing it and screaming! Improvements. I also gave Jon his present (a silver chain for him to wear all the time) and he gave me mine
(a gift certificate to a day at a spa! WOOOT!) Overall, a very wonderful and romantic day :)
The next morning, we went to Smitty's for breakfast/lunch (yes we are real classy!) and then we went mini golfing! We love to mini golf - such a fun and goofy way to spend time! After we were all done that, (I won the game, but he won a free game!) we decided to come back home and spend the evening at camp! We came home to a messy house (not a lot of time for house cleaning lately!) so we cleaned a bit, then went down for dinner, and then decided to go swimming. We seen the Burdge's swimming, and they told us to come over, so we went and hung out with them! Being with great friends was a wonderful way to end a perfect weekend. I love anniversaries!!
The Summer So Far!
A few more highlights of the spring in between running guest groups and gearing up for the high season was watching my beautiful mom gradu
I miss being able to visit my aunts, and play with my awesome cousins, hanging out with Courtney, chatting about nothing with my mom, and kicking Brandon's butt at Ticket to Ride. I miss walking down the streets of Caronport, knowing everyone I am walking past, and living with my best friends ten feet away, and all the fun parties we had in our small apartment. But Camp is slowly turing into a home, full of all sorts of new fun things (such as being able to walk into the home next door to ours and immediately feeling like I belong somewhere, and that there is still a family somewhere nearby that loves me! - Sharon Burdge has been the most incredible neighbour!).
The start of my very first blog
I named this blog A Real Life Fairytale - most days! because that is how I feel. We are happily married, live in a BEAUTIFUL location, have a dog that we love (even if he is crazy!!!) and are blessed all around. That does not mean that life is never hard, or that we dont have any issues, but just that we are lucky beyond belief. I wouldn't change a thing about our crazy, messy, fun life!