On the 15th of August we celebrated our first whole year together as a married couple! This seems so strange to me, seeing as how I always said I was NEVER going to get married, and here I am at 22, married for one full year already. Oh how things change! I can recall our wedding day so vividly that is seems insane it was a whole year ago. Its so sweet to look back and see how much I loved Jon the day that I married him and how I thought I could never love anymore more than I did him in that moment. SURPRISE! A year later I love this guy even more than I did then (which is a pretty good thing I think!).
So on our anniversary weekend we somehow managed to get sunday off (which usually NEVER could happen because Jon runs an event on sunday here at camp called Kick-off, but Chris graciously said he would run it this once!) AND monday off! TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!!! Jon had the whole weekend planned out, and kept it all a surprise! (which is shocking on two levels - number one he knows I HATE surprises because I need to know everything so he usually doesn't plan them, an number two because he usually cant keep a secret from me). So saturday night after we were done work, he told me we were going on a picnic, and he had everything all packed and ready to go. Instead of going towards the car though, he took me to the edge of the

lake near our house where he had a canoe waiting and said we had to get in. So we got in and he paddled us around the lake until we got to the far side to the new property camp just bought. Once we got there and got settled, he brought out a BBQ that he had stashed there and cooked me a DELICIOUS dinner of steak, salmon, rice and veggies. It was so calm and peaceful and such a great view! Once we were done, and after we hung out a while we paddled back home where we cuddled up in our house and played our favorite board game (ticket to ride).

The next morning I woke up to Jon opening the bedroom door with his hands full of plates and food! I didnt

even hear him get up, but he had woken up earlier and made me breakfast. So we sat in bed and ate breakfast (once again, delicious!) and then got ready for our day. All I knew was that we were going on a roadtrip to somewhere on the island. We started driving (Jon driving, I was in control of the music) and ended up in Parksville. He had booked a room in the Pacific Shores Resort where Tim and Lois are time share owners, and it was a GORGEOUS resort!!!! The first thing we did in Parksville was go to the beach, and we seen the massive sand castles from the big competition they have each year! I was amazed at how intricate the sand castles were - seriously! How can they build those things with just sand??!! My favorite was one that was about a fairytale - very cute!

After that, we went over to Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church t
o meet Dan King - the youth pastor there that I have been wanting to meet for a while! I loved the church, and how welcoming and friendly it was! We are definately going to try to go down for a few services once camp season is over. Then we got dressed up and walked through the resort, and went to the restaurant there (which had HUGE fish tanks with some weird looking fishies) for dinner, which was followed by a walk on the beach to watch the sunset. Jon caught a crab, and I held it in my hand without tossing it and screaming! Improvements. I also gave Jon his present (a silver chain for him to wear all the time) and he gave me mine
(a gift certificate to a day at a spa! WOOOT!) Overall, a very wonderful and romantic day :)
The next morning, we went to Smitty's for breakfast/lunch (yes we are real classy!) and then we went mini golfing! We love to mini golf - such a fun and goofy way to spend time! After we were all done that, (I won the game, b
ut he won a free game!) we decided to come back home and spend the evening at camp! We came home to a messy house (not a lot of time for house cleaning lately!) so we cleaned a bit, then went down for dinner, and then decided to go swimming. We seen the Burdge's swimming, and they told us to come over, so we went and hung out with them! Being with great friends was a wonderful way to end a perfect weekend. I love anniversaries!!

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