The three of us at Neil's house on the 23rd. It was a very quiet, fun night! Grandma Doris was there too, and then when she left, the four of us hung out and played silly games and played with our new toys!
"Where does family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found"
-Winston Churchhill
-Winston Churchhill
Monday, January 24, 2011
Christmas Eve
Christmas this year was SOOO great!! The first three pictures are actually of the 23rd, when we spent Christmas with Neil...but I figured since we slept over, it was the 24th when we woke up there, so these pics can be added in on Christmas Eve :) Let me tell you, Christmas Eve is my FAVORITE day of the whole year!! (second maybe only to Jon's and my day of births!). It just just a time that is sooo joyous, and our whole family is together, and we just really have fun. We all catch up, and eat amazing food, and enjoy being family!! Christmas Eve is a day I always look forward to, and this year was no exception!! I looove Christmas!!!
iTouch!!!! YAY!! I was sooo stoked about this!!!!
Brandon with his new laptop, and Jon in his new sweater! I love my boys immensely!!
Christmas Eve was spent at Auntie LeeAnne's, as usual. Here she is getting the last minute touches ready on dinner!
Uncle Keith and Rayne - this girl was a PARTY girl that night! (not that you can tell in this picture...) When it was like 10 pm and time for them to go home, she ran over to me and asked if I would hide her - trying to evade her parents! She wanted to stay and party because "all the big kids" were still there!
Me and my beautiful girls! Brooke, Alexis and I always have so much fun when we are together! My mom bought them Dutch Blitz for Christmas, and I taught them how to play and was surprised with just how well they caught on! Here we are being silly... pretty typical!
Cousins! Brandon, Alexis and I just before dinnertime. Note Alexis' very pretty Christmas dress! She looked so festive! I also love this picture, because Brandon is actually smiling big - that does not happen often!
Pablo spent his first Canadian Christmas with us! Here he is sportin his new Canada hoodie that we bought him (Jon had his name) - we even got his name stitched on th pocket.
My AMAZING family. You three are everything to me, and I am a lucky girl to have your love! Also, aren't we a GOOD LOOKING bunch?!! I sure think so...
I love Chrismas especially because it is when my grandparents come home to visit! Here is my wonderful Grandma (again, a rare picture... she does not smile big often either... wonder where I got it from?!) and my wonderful husband!
Look how happy we look! I love this :)
Very cute!
We tried to get a picture with all the cousins, and we had a couple that were good, but Jace wasn't in them, because he didn't want to be. When Lauren brought him over, he was NOT happy. Note me holding on to him, but letting him fall, because he was so swirmmy!! He just wanted to play and resented us for taking him away from his toys!
This girl is one of my favorite people! It was so great to hang out together, and catch up on life. It's funny to think that I used to baby-sit her when she was like a 6 year old, and now she is all grown up, living on her own and going to university! She is driven, and smart, and seeing her with Pablo made me happy, because they are so mature and great together! I love you Jennabear!
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