I love birthdays, they are just so exciting! A day that the Lord has created just for YOU! This is the day that He said "You will be born!" I find that VERY cool!! January 1st is the day that Aimee graced the world with her presence. She was the Victoria New Years baby! We got up and had a family breakfast that morning with Tim, Lois, Aimee, Calea, Jon and myself eating the famous Lampard pancakes! Let me just tell you, I am SO happy that Aimee was born, and was very glad that we got to celebrate a little bit with her. Aimee is smart and challenges me constantly (in a good way!), and she has the most beautiful and infectious smile! She is quick to laugh, and will always tell what she thinks! Her love for her family (and her friends that are family) is so deep, and so real. This is a girl that has taught me more things about life and faith then I could ever even count! I just feel incredibly lucky to be able to call her a sister. Happy 28th birthday Aimee!!
Lois cooking the pancakes, and Aimee grinning because ITS HER BIRTHDAY!!

The siblings eating breakfast and have a good time!

Luke and Care came over later in the day, and when they did, Makenna was in the backseat sleeping and snoring like this:

Seriously, how cute right?! Anyways, Aimee I am so proud of you, moving away and doing something crazy, and kicking butt at it! You are amazing, and I have NO doubt whatsoever that you will succeed in whatever you choose to do. I love you girl, and wish you the greatest blessings on your birthday!
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