"Where does family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found"
-Winston Churchhill

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sept. Long Weekend

This past weekend was September Long Weekend - our first one out here in BC! On friday night the camp cleared out, and we woke up to a very empty place on saturday! Then saturday afternoon Luke, Carolyn and Makenna came out to visit for a few days! It was a WONDERFUL weekend full of laughs, good chats, playing, and just quality bonding time together :) Being with the three of them was so good for Jon and I! They make us feel loved, and remind us why being out on the coast is so awesome!

Makenna and Auntie Mel - honestly, being an auntie is the best thing in the entire world. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to play with her, and just laughing and being silly. She is such a great little girl!
We went out BMXing (well I played on the side with Makenna while the rest of them rode the BMX track). Here they are about to start their race!
Even Makenna got a chance to try on a helmet and sit on the bike! Youngest rider ever haha!
We went paddleing on the water - Jon and I in a canoe...
....while Jake swam beside us! This funny dog swam the WHOLE way around the lake for the 35 minutes we were in the water - I was so stressed out, thinking he was going to drown! Apparently he's a great swimmer!
Luke and Care took Kenna out in a rowboat! What a beautiful family they are!
The next day we went out boating - Makenna LOVED the boat. We sat at the front of the boat and she watched the waves until a huge one came crashing into the boat and I had to save us from getting soaked (she stayed dry, I definately did not)
We spent a lot of time playing games - that is what we usually do when we are with them, because Care and I are such gamers and our loving husbands like to make us happy! This is them playing "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader"

It was a very refreshing weekend, full of rest and just hanging out. I hope the weekend in our little cabin in the woods was a restful getaway for them, and I cant wait until the next time! We love you guys, SO MUCH!

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